Comparative analysis of crushing effect of different crushing methods

Comparative analysis of crushing effect of different crushing methods

Among these five crushing methods, impact crushing has the best effect, and grinding and peeling crushing has the worst effect because the force acts on the surface of the ore. Among the other three crushing methods, pressure crushing requires a large amount of pressure and consumes more energy due to the large contact area between the ore and the crushing face. Splitting is due to the concentration of force on the ore, and in addition to the concentration of force in breaking, there is also the effect of bending moment. Therefore, the external force required is small, and the energy consumption is also less. Experiments show that the force required for splitting and breaking is only 10% to 20% of the crushing force. The crushing equipment currently used often has the combined effect of the above-mentioned several forces at the same time.
It is worth noting that general ores are composed of a variety of minerals, and their physical properties are different, sometimes very different. When crushing this type of ores, the situation in which each mineral is crushed is different. Some are crushed into coarser particles, and some are finer. This phenomenon is called selective pulverization.

The fundamental reason for selective crushing is that the mechanical properties of the minerals in the ore are very different, but the performance of the crushing machinery also affects. For example, impact crushers and autogenous mills are prone to selective crushing. It is important to pay attention to this phenomenon in the beneficiation process. For example, for the ore whose useful minerals are easier to argillize than gangue, the dissociated fractions containing more useful minerals should be separated first, and there is no need to wait for all the minerals to be ground to the same particle size, which is beneficial to reduce over-grinding. .
After understanding the mechanical properties of the ore and the force application of the crushing equipment, it should be noted that the force application method of the powder crusher should be adapted to the properties of the ore to have a good crushing effect. For hard ore, it should be crushed by bending and impacting. If grinding is used, the equipment will be severely worn. For brittle ores, bending and splitting are more favorable. If grinding is used, too fine powder in the product will be too fine. many. It is more reasonable to use grinding and peeling to pulverize the tough and viscous ore. Because the mechanical properties of materials are various, so the crushing equipment is also various.