The biggest pulveriser manufactures in Mumbai

The biggest pulveriser manufactures in Mumbai

The biggest pulveriser manufactures in Mumbai

The biggest pulveriser manufactures in Mumbai:

Liming heavy industry is one of the biggest pulveriser manufactures in Mumbai.

As is well known,India is rich in all kinds of mine.especially the  coal industry,The recent significant increase in fiscal revenue of the Government of India, because of the country’s coal giant Coal India to carry out the privatization of part of the shares.

The biggest pulveriser manufactures in Mumbai

The biggest pulveriser manufactures’s Strength:

Liming heavy industry has the biggest lathe,the newest workshop,It is the biggest vertical lathe in the workshop with maximum machining diameter of 6.3m, and is mainly used to machine parts of LM190, like middle body, body case of separator, and down body, etc.

The biggest pulveriser manufactures’s development:

liming heavy industry the leading manufacturer of crusher and grinding plant in china .
the largest export base of grinding mills in Asia .the new lanched vertical mill leads .the new trend of grinding mills.