New Building Materials shale products – adapt to the construction requirements of the development

New Building Materials shale products – adapt to the construction requirements of the development

New Building Materials shale products is  adapting  to the construction requirements of the development.Henan Liming heavy industry’s Vertical Shaft Impact Crusher play a good role in the New Building Materials shale products processing.
As social and economic development, the construction industry has been rapid development of clay bricks because of its small size, weight, poor insulation performance, it is difficult to adapt to the needs of the building development, and space for development of new building materials shale in the expanding .

The former State Building Materials Bureau, Ministry of Agriculture, the National Land Agency, Urban and Rural Construction and Environmental Protection Department have been awarded the “strict restrictions on destroying the brick and actively promote the views of the wall material reform,” the State Council in 2005 awarded the Guo Ban Fa [2005] 33 document “notice on Further Promoting the wall materials innovation and the promotion of energy efficient building, and actively call for the new building materials, the development and promotion of the use of the products.